What is the quotient of 5/12 and 1 1/6

To divide the fraction 5/12 by the mixed number 1 1/6, we need to convert the mixed number into an improper fraction.

1 1/6 is equal to (6 * 1 + 1)/6 which is 7/6.

Now, we perform the division 5/12 ÷ 7/6.

Invert the divisor (the second fraction) and multiply:

5/12 * 6/7

= (5 * 6)/(12 * 7)

= 30/84

Now, we simplify the fraction if possible. Since both 30 and 84 can be divided by 6, we can divide both numerator and denominator by 6.

30/84 simplifies to 5/14.

Therefore, the quotient of 5/12 and 1 1/6 is 5/14.