James rode his bike he started riding at 3:34 pm and ended at 4:10 pm how many minutes did James James ride his bike

To find the total minutes James rode his bike, we need to subtract the start time from the end time.

The start time is 3:34 pm, which is 3 o'clock + 34 minutes = 3 × 60 + 34 minutes = 180 + 34 minutes = 214 minutes.

The end time is 4:10 pm, which is 4 o'clock + 10 minutes = 4 × 60 + 10 minutes = 240 + 10 minutes = 250 minutes.

To find how many minutes James rode his bike, we subtract the start time (214 minutes) from the end time (250 minutes):

250 minutes - 214 minutes = 36 minutes.

Therefore, James rode his bike for 36 minutes.