A five-question multiple-choice quiz has five choices for each answer. Use the random number table provided, with 0’s representing incorrect answers and 1’s representing correct answers, to answer the following question:

What is the probability of correctly guessing at random exactly five correct answers? Round your answer to the nearest whole number.

To find the probability of correctly guessing exactly five correct answers at random, we need to determine the probability of getting 5 correct answers in a row using the given random number table.

Looking at the random number table (assuming each digit has an equal probability of being chosen), there are 2 possible outcomes for each question: either a 0 (incorrect answer) or a 1 (correct answer).

Since there are 5 choices for each answer, the probability of randomly guessing a correct answer for one question is 1/5.

To calculate the probability of getting five correct answers in a row, we need to consider the probability of getting a correct answer multiplied by itself five times, since the outcomes are independent events. So the probability is (1/5)^5.

Using a calculator, we find that (1/5)^5 ≈ 0.00032.

Rounded to the nearest whole number, the probability of correctly guessing exactly five correct answers at random is 0%.

are you sure

Apologies for the mistake in my previous response.

Let's reconsider the probability calculation:

Since there are 5 choices for each answer, the probability of randomly guessing a correct answer for one question is 1/5.

To calculate the probability of getting five correct answers in a row, we need to consider the probability of getting a correct answer multiplied by itself five times, since the outcomes are independent events. So the probability is (1/5) * (1/5) * (1/5) * (1/5) * (1/5) = (1/5)^5.

Using a calculator, we find that (1/5)^5 = 1/3125 ≈ 0.00032.

Rounded to the nearest whole number, the probability of correctly guessing exactly five correct answers at random is 0%.