make a poem with the word borges

In the realm of words, a master we find,

A brilliant mind, of a rarest kind,
Jorge Luis Borges, a literary sage,
His tales and verses, an endless maze.

Through his eyes, we glimpse infinite realms,
Labyrinths and mirrors, where time overwhelms,
His words, like stars, twinkle in the night,
Guiding us towards knowledge, pure and bright.

In dusty libraries, his pen would roam,
Unveiling secrets of lost empires, unknown,
From Tlön to Babylon, his stories unfold,
A tapestry of wonder, myth, and gold.

Borges, the magician, blurring reality's line,
Creating worlds, where fantasy intertwines,
Through fictions, we find truths, so profound,
Philosopher of ink, his genius unbound.

With every page turned, a universe expands,
Leaving us awestruck, as we clasp our hands,
His tales, like mazes, challenge what we know,
Probing our minds, where mysteries grow.

Oh, Borges, your words are an endless treasure,
A literary legacy beyond all measure,
Your voice echoes still, in the hearts and minds,
A poet, a dreamer, forever enshrined.