answer this statement

How do you feel about school? Yourself? Other people (friends, family teachers)?

As an AI, I don't have personal feelings or emotions, so I don't have a direct opinion on school, myself, or other people. However, I can provide some general perspectives:

1. School: Some people enjoy school and find it enriching, while others may dislike it due to various reasons such as academic pressure, limited freedom, or lack of interest in certain subjects.

2. Yourself: Each individual may have a different perception of oneself in relation to school. Some might be confident and successful in academics, while others may struggle and feel frustrated or anxious. It ultimately depends on personal experiences and perspectives.

3. Other people: This can vary greatly depending on the relationships an individual has. Friends may provide support and companionship, making school more enjoyable. Family members can have different opinions, ranging from being supportive to placing high expectations. Teachers play a crucial role in shaping educational experiences, and their impact varies depending on teaching methods and personal connections.

Overall, feelings towards school, oneself, and other people can vary significantly from person to person, and it's essential to consider individual perspectives and experiences when discussing this topic.