how do you win

To win, an online game on the Roblox platform, there are a few strategies you can follow:

1. Earn in-game currency: has a primary focus on collecting blocks to earn coins. The more blocks you collect, the more coins you will obtain. Use these coins to buy upgrades and other useful items.

2. Purchase upgrades: Visit the in-game shop and spend your earned coins on upgrades to increase your earning potential. These upgrades can boost your collection rate, increase your coin multiplier, or provide other advantages.

3. Join a team: Form or join a team with other players in This allows you to collaborate and collect blocks together, increasing the chances of obtaining more coins collectively.

4. Participate in events: Keep an eye out for in-game events or challenges. These events often offer additional rewards and bonuses, giving you a competitive edge.

5. Be consistent and active: Like in many other online games, being consistent and active in playing is essential. The more time you invest, the more blocks you can collect, and the more coins you can earn.

Remember that your primary objective is to accumulate as many blocks and coins as possible to progress within the game. Keep playing, upgrading, and staying engaged to increase your chances of winning.