Sarah is saving money for a new bicycle. She currently has $50 saved and plans to save $8 per week from her allowance. After how many weeks will she have saved enough money to buy a bicycle that costs $210?(1 point)


Let x be the number of weeks Sarah needs to save money for the bicycle.

Since Sarah saves $8 per week, the total amount of money she will have saved after x weeks is 8x.
The equation representing the total amount of money Sarah has saved is 8x + 50 = 210.
Subtracting 50 from both sides of the equation, we get 8x = 210 - 50 = 160.
Dividing both sides of the equation by 8, we get x = 160 / 8 = 20.
Therefore, Sarah needs to save money for 20 weeks to be able to buy a bicycle. Answer: \boxed{20}.