The diagram shows a line going diagonally in between two parallel lines. If M and N are parallel and angle 1 is 135°, what is the measure of angle seven and why?

Without seeing the diagram, it is difficult to provide an accurate answer. However, based on the information given, it is possible to make several conjectures.

If lines M and N are parallel and angle 1 is 135°, we can infer that angle 1 and angle 7 are alternate interior angles. Alternate interior angles are congruent when two parallel lines are intersected by a transversal. Therefore, we can deduce that angle 7 is also 135°.

However, this conclusion is dependent on the assumption that the lines in the diagram form a transversal with lines M and N. Without more information or a visual representation, it is difficult to make a definitive statement about the measure of angle seven.