Use the excerpt to answer the question.

Which plan for Reconstruction would the author of this excerpt most likely agree with and why?
(1 point)
the Wade-Davis Bill, because it was harsher on the rebels
the Ten Percent Plan, because of its focus on reconciliation and leniency
the Wade-Davis Bill, because it aimed
• to conclude peace without more bloodshed
the Ten Percent Plan, because it
• demanded an immediate end to the war

The author of this excerpt would most likely agree with the Ten Percent Plan because of its focus on reconciliation and leniency. Since the author mentions the plan's demand for an immediate end to the war, it suggests that they are looking for a solution that emphasizes peace and avoids further bloodshed. The Ten Percent Plan, introduced by President Lincoln, aimed to quickly reintegrate the Southern states into the Union by requiring only 10% of a state's voting population to take an oath of loyalty. This lenient approach aligns with the author's desire for a peaceful resolution.