Jen decided to go bike riding without a helmet. One was around during her ride. She is thrown from her bag wouldn’t have a real goes into a pothole. She’s not injured, but she is terrified to get her car back next.

Jen had made the impulsive decision to go bike riding without wearing a helmet. It was a beautiful day, and she felt a sense of freedom as she pedaled along, soaking in the sunshine and fresh air. Everything seemed perfect, until she encountered a sudden obstacle her bike couldn't handle – a deep pothole. Caught off guard, Jen lost control and was thrown from her bike.

Thankfully, she managed to escape the fall with only a few bruises and scraped knees. However, the incident left her shaken and terrified of what could have happened if her injuries were severe. While her physical wounds would heal over time, the emotional impact lingered on.

But what worried her even more than the fall was the thought of retrieving her car, which she had parked in a nearby parking lot before beginning her bike ride. The car had been her prized possession, a symbol of independence and convenience. However, the fear of potential damage now haunted her thoughts.

As she walked back towards the parking lot, apprehension gnawed at her gut. Each step felt heavier, as if an invisible weight rested upon her shoulders. Jen nervously replayed the incident over and over again in her mind, her imagination running wild with all the worst-case scenarios.

Finally reaching the parking lot, Jen's heart pounded louder in her chest as she laid eyes upon her car. She anticipated the worst – broken windows, scratches, or worse. Taking a deep breath, she approached the vehicle, trembling with fear and trepidation.

To her immense relief, the car looked intact. There were no visible signs of damage, no unexpected surprises waiting for her. As she opened the car door and got behind the wheel, a wave of gratitude washed over her. She realized how fortunate she was to escape the fall with only minor injuries and without any added distress regarding her car.

Jen turned the ignition, and as the engine roared to life, a newfound sense of appreciation for safety flooded her being. She resolved to always prioritize her well-being, to never underestimate the importance of protection, be it in the form of a helmet while biking or any other safety measures in her daily life.

As she drove away, Jen made a silent vow to herself – she would never risk her safety again. The terrifying experience had served as a stark reminder that life is too precious to be cavalier with, and that protecting oneself should always be a priority, no matter how trivial it may seem in the moment.