To insert a row in a spreadsheet

To insert a row in a spreadsheet, follow these steps:

1. Open the spreadsheet program (e.g., Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets).
2. Navigate to the specific sheet where you want to insert the row.
3. Select the entire row above which you want to insert the new row. To do this, click on the row number on the left side of the sheet. For example, if you want to insert a row between rows 5 and 6, select row 6.
4. Right-click on the selected row and a context menu will appear.
5. From the context menu, click on "Insert" or "Insert row." This will insert a new row above the selected row.
6. The new row will be added, pushing down the existing rows below it.
7. You can now enter the desired data or content into the newly inserted row.

Alternatively, you can also use keyboard shortcuts to insert a row. For most spreadsheet programs:

- Microsoft Excel: Select the row and press "Ctrl" + "+" (plus) on your keyboard.
- Google Sheets: Select the row and press "Ctrl" + "Alt" + "I" (Windows) or "Cmd" + "Option" + "I" (Mac).

These shortcuts will quickly insert a new row above the selected row.