Why licorice shouldn't be taken during pregnancy???

Licorice should be avoided during pregnancy because it contains a substance called glycyrrhizin, which has been linked to potential health risks for both the mother and the baby. Here are a few reasons why it is best to avoid licorice during pregnancy:

1. Premature labor: Consumption of large amounts of licorice or licorice root extract can lead to an increase in the hormone called oxytocin, which may potentially trigger contractions and prematurely induce labor.

2. High blood pressure: Glycyrrhizin in licorice can cause the body to retain sodium and water, leading to increased blood pressure. High blood pressure during pregnancy (known as gestational hypertension) can lead to complications such as preeclampsia, which can be harmful to both the mother and the baby.

3. Hormonal imbalances: The active compounds in licorice can interfere with hormonal balance, especially by affecting the levels of estrogen and progesterone. This can potentially disrupt the normal hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy and may have adverse effects on fetal development.

4. Risk of preterm birth: Some studies have shown an association between excessive consumption of licorice during pregnancy and an increased risk of preterm birth. Premature babies often have various health issues and may require special care.

It is important to note that moderate or occasional consumption of small amounts of licorice, such as in food or candy form, is generally considered safe. However, for pregnant women, it is advisable to consult with a healthcare provider before including licorice in their diet to ensure the safety of both mother and baby.