Cardinals are a species of bird found in the U.S. The females of the species are usually either grey or brownish in color. However, a full grown male cardinal is bright red. Why do male cardinals have this bright coloring?

The bright red coloring of male cardinals serves multiple purposes, primarily related to reproduction and territoriality:

1. Attracting mates: The vibrant red plumage of male cardinals is visually striking and helps them attract female mates during the breeding season. Bright colors are often associated with good health, genetic fitness, and overall superiority, indicating to females that the male is a suitable mate to ensure successful reproduction.

2. Territory defense: Male cardinals are highly territorial and vigorously defend their chosen nesting area. The brilliant red coloration serves as a visual signal to other males, asserting their dominance and deterring potential rivals from intruding into their territory. This display warns other males to stay away and reduces the likelihood of aggressive confrontations.

3. Species recognition: The distinctive red coloration of male cardinals aids in species recognition and communication. Along with their melodious songs, the bright plumage helps to identify and communicate with other cardinals in their habitat, establishing social connections and maintaining cohesion within the species.

It is important to note that while male cardinals exhibit a striking red color, their bright plumage is offset by the more subdued coloration of the females. This sexual dimorphism allows for easier identification and differentiation between males and females, aiding in mate selection and minimizing confusion during courtship displays.