What is the first thing you should do to respond to cyber bullying share evidence with the police or block the person from contacting you

The first thing you should do to respond to cyberbullying is not to block the person or share evidence with the police. Instead, prioritize your own mental and emotional well-being by taking the following steps:

1. Stay calm: It's crucial to remain calm and composed in order to handle the situation effectively.
2. Document the evidence: Take screenshots or save any relevant evidence of the cyberbullying. This is important for reporting the incident later on.
3. Limit interaction: Avoid engaging with the cyberbully or responding to their hurtful messages. Reacting may encourage further harassment.
4. Block and report: Use the platform's blocking feature to prevent the person from contacting you. Report the incident to the social media platform, providing them with the evidence you collected.
5. Share with a trusted adult: Talk to a parent, guardian, teacher, or another responsible adult about your experience. They can provide guidance and support throughout the process.
6. Inform the school (if applicable): If the cyberbullying involves someone from your school, inform a teacher or school administrator so they can intervene appropriately.
7. Seek professional help if needed: If the cyberbullying is impacting your mental health or causing significant distress, consider reaching out to a counselor or therapist.
8. Preserve evidence: Make sure to safely store the evidence you gathered, as it may be necessary in the future for potential legal action or a school investigation.
9. Report to the authorities (if necessary): In severe cases, involving explicit threats, invasion of privacy, or stalking behavior, it may be appropriate to involve the police. Consult with a trusted adult or legal authority before proceeding.

Remember, the specific actions to take can vary depending on the severity and nature of the cyberbullying. It is always important to seek guidance from trusted adults and professionals who can provide personalized advice.