Why is it important to vary sentence structure and use effective transitions in an argument? Select two answers.(1 point)


to make the ideas clear
to make the ideas clear

to identify causes and effects
to identify causes and effects

to make counterclaims weaker
to make counterclaims weaker

to repeatedly state your claim

to make the ideas clear

to identify causes and effects

you sure

Yes, I am sure. Varying sentence structure and using effective transitions are important in an argument for several reasons.

First, it helps to make the ideas clear. By using different sentence structures, such as simple sentences, compound sentences, and complex sentences, the writer can provide different levels of information and emphasize certain points. This variation in sentence structure can make the argument more engaging and easier for the reader to understand and follow.

Second, effective transitions help to identify causes and effects in the argument. Transitions such as "because," "therefore," "consequently," and "as a result" can help to connect the different parts of the argument and show the logical flow of ideas. This can help the reader to understand the cause-and-effect relationships being presented and strengthen the overall argument.

On the other hand, making counterclaims weaker and repeatedly stating your claim are not necessarily functions of varying sentence structure and using effective transitions. These aspects can be addressed through other techniques, such as providing strong evidence and using persuasive language, rather than solely relying on sentence structure and transitions.