Suppose you are writing a program to convert numeric grades to letter grades: print("Enter numeric grade: ") avg = int(input()) if avg >= 90 and avg <= 100: print("Your Grade is A") if avg >= 80 and avg < 90: print("Your Grade is B") if avg >= 70 and avg < 80: print("Your Grade is C") if avg >= 60 and avg < 70: print("Your Grade is D") if avg >= 0 and avg < 70: print("Your Grade is F") if avg < 0 or avg > 100: print("Invalid Input!") When you test the program for the value 65, you get the following output: Enter numeric grade: 65 Your Grade is D Your Grade is F ** Process exited - Return Code: 0 ** Press Enter to exit terminal How can you locate the error? (1 point) Responses Use print statements, so you can locate the error. Use print statements, so you can locate the error. Use other data points, and see if they work. Use other data points, and see if they work. Use a trace tool to go line by line and see how the program is progressing. Use a trace tool to go line by line and see how the program is progressing. Use a different editor, and see if that fixes the problem.

The error in the program can be located by using a trace tool to go line by line and see how the program is progressing.