we can say that the force of gravity is equal to mass times acceleration were the acceleration is equal to gravity sense gravity is an acceleration because of newtons second law force = mass times acceleration

hence Fg = mass times acceleration
Fg = mass times gravity

Fg = mg

however newtons second law states that the net force acting on an object is equal to it's mass times it's acceleration so what allows us to say that

Fg = mg
because certainly not for every single situation the

net forc is going to equal to the force of gravity

please explain...

You are totally wrong in postulating the net force=force of gravity.


Force of gravity applies only to the gravitional field, and for a free falling object, Forcegravity=mass*a
But what about other forces? Any unblanced force = mass*acceleartion, whether or not gravity is involved.

Now what if an object is sitting on a shelf..it is not accelerating.
Fgravity=force upward by shelf. What about weight? The downward force is equal to its mass times the gravitional field strength. What is the gravitional field strength? It is commonly called g, and is equal to 9.8N/kg. That is the force per kilogram when under the influence of gravity. What if the object is dropped? what is its acceleration? It is g, or 9.8m/s^2. Hmmm. Note in units, N/kg=m/s^2

One nitpick of your writing, and is the reason I wrote this. Your statement "the acceleration is equal to gravity sense gravity is an acceleration because of newtons..." is inaccurate.

Gravity is not an acceleration, it is a force.

You're correct that Newton's second law states that the net force acting on an object is equal to its mass times its acceleration. However, in the case of objects near the surface of the Earth, we often use the equation Fg = mg, where Fg represents the force of gravity, m represents the mass of the object, and g represents the acceleration due to gravity. This equation can be derived from Newton's second law and the specific conditions near the Earth's surface.

The reason we are able to say Fg = mg for objects near the surface of the Earth is due to the gravitational field strength being relatively constant in that region. The acceleration due to gravity (g) near the Earth's surface is approximately 9.8 meters per second squared (m/s^2). This means that for every kilogram of mass, the force of gravity acting on it is approximately 9.8 Newtons.

However, it's important to note that Fg = mg is a simplified version of Newton's second law that specifically applies to objects near the Earth's surface. In other situations, such as when considering the gravitational force between two celestial bodies or when dealing with objects in free fall, we need to take into account different factors and use more complex equations or laws, such as universal gravitation or differential equations. So, you're correct in noting that Fg = mg is not applicable in every single situation, but it works well for the everyday scenarios we encounter on or near the surface of the Earth.