Multiply 5/6 by 2 3/4 . Convert the product to be a mixed number

To multiply 5/6 by 2 3/4, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert the mixed number to an improper fraction.
2 3/4 can be converted to an improper fraction as follows:
(2 * 4 + 3)/4 = 11/4

Step 2: Multiply the fractions.
5/6 * 11/4 = (5 * 11) / (6 * 4) = 55/24

Step 3: Simplify the fraction if possible.
In this case, 55/24 cannot be simplified further.

Step 4: Convert the fraction to a mixed number.
Divide the numerator (55) by the denominator (24):
55 รท 24 = 2 remainder 7

The mixed number form of the product 55/24 is 2 7/24.