What has the study of Teotihuacan shown historians? (1 point)

The study of Teotihuacan has shown historians a number of important insights about the ancient civilization:

1) Urban Planning and Layout: The study of Teotihuacan has revealed its sophisticated urban planning and grid-like layout, with wide avenues and large plazas. This suggests a centralized authority and a complex social organization.

2) Monumental Architecture: Teotihuacan is known for its impressive architectural structures, such as the Pyramid of the Sun and the Pyramid of the Moon. The study of these structures has provided information about their construction techniques, religious significance, and the symbolism associated with them.

3) Multicultural Society: Teotihuacan was a multicultural city with diverse populations, including people from different regions and ethnicities. The study of the city's art, artifacts, and burials has provided evidence of the cultural interchange and interaction among the diverse inhabitants.

4) Mesoamerican Trade Networks: The study of Teotihuacan has revealed its role as a hub for long-distance trade in Mesoamerica. Artifacts found at the site, such as exotic materials, display connections with other distant regions, indicating the city's participation in extensive trade networks.

5) Decline and Abandonment: The study of Teotihuacan's decline and abandonment has provided insights into the possible causes, such as internal political conflicts, environmental changes, or social unrest. The unraveling of this ancient city has helped historians understand the complex factors that can contribute to the collapse of a civilization.

Overall, the study of Teotihuacan has significantly enhanced our understanding of ancient Mesoamerican civilizations, their social structures, cultural interactions, and architectural achievements.