The Would-Be Gentleman by Olfson, Lewy MUSIC MASTER: Music and dancing are not tricks, sir. JOURDAIN (Dismissively): Well, whatever it is. Oh, I almost forgot. I want your opinions of my new suit! Isn’t it handsome? MUSIC MASTER: Oh, quite! (Aside) Quite hideous, that is! DANCING MASTER: It’s just right! (Aside) Just right for a fool! JOURDAIN: Look at these colors, how elegantly they become me. You could search throughout Paris, and not another gentleman would you find that has a suit like this one. DANCING MASTER: I well believe that! Question Use the passage to answer the question. Which is a main topic of this passage? (1 point) Responses Jourdain’s vanity Jourdain’s vanity Jourdain’s musical knowledge Jourdain’s musical knowledge the Dancing Master’s trickery the Dancing Master’s trickery the Music Master’s insincerity

Jourdain's vanity