How to draw unit circle

To draw a unit circle, follow these steps:

1. Start by drawing a straight line with a ruler. This will serve as the horizontal diameter of the circle.

2. Find the midpoint of the line and mark it. This point will be the center of the unit circle.

3. Using a compass, draw a circle with the center at the marked point. Adjust the compass to make the radius equal to 1 unit.

4. On the circle, mark points at three key angles: 0 degrees or 360 degrees (x-axis), 90 degrees (y-axis), and 180 degrees or -180 degrees (-x-axis).

5. Divide the quadrants of the circle by marking points at 45 degrees, 135 degrees, 225 degrees, and 315 degrees.

6. Connect the marked points to create the remaining parts of the unit circle.

7. Label the key angles and quadrants with their measures (0°, 90°, 180°, 270°) for reference.

Make sure to use a pencil for the initial steps in case you need to make any corrections. Once you are satisfied with the drawing, trace over the lines with a pen or marker for a finished look.