The scale drawing below represents the side of a ramp. In the scale drawing, one inch equals four feet.

2 in.
4 in.
What is the actual area, in square feet, of the side of the ramp?

In the scale drawing, 1 inch represents 4 feet. Therefore, 2 inches in the drawing represents 2 inches x 4 feet/inch = <<2*4=8>>8 feet in reality.

Similarly, 4 inches in the drawing represents 4 inches x 4 feet/inch = <<4*4=16>>16 feet in reality.

To calculate the area of the side of the ramp, we need to find the area of a rectangle with sides of 8 feet and 16 feet.
The area is calculated by multiplying the length and width of the rectangle:
Area = 8 feet x 16 feet = <<8*16=128>>128 square feet.

Therefore, the actual area of the side of the ramp is 128 square feet. Answer: \boxed{128}.