When 1.5g of a monovalent metal L were reacted with water and 600cm³ of gas was produced.Determine the relative atomic mass of L(Molar gas volume=24000cm³)

To determine the relative atomic mass of metal L, we need to first find the number of moles of metal L that reacted with water.

Mass of metal L = 1.5g

We can calculate the number of moles of metal L using the formula:

Number of moles = Mass / Molar mass

Since metal L is monovalent, its molar mass is equal to its relative atomic mass (RAM).

Number of moles of metal L = 1.5g / RAM

Next, we can calculate the volume of gas produced using the molar gas volume:

Volume of gas produced = 600cm³ / 24000cm³/mol = 0.025 mol

From the balanced chemical equation, we know that 1 mole of metal L reacts to produce 1 mole of gas. Therefore, the number of moles of metal L is equal to the volume of gas produced.

Number of moles of metal L = 0.025 mol

Setting these two expressions for the number of moles of metal L equal to each other, we can solve for the relative atomic mass (RAM):

1.5g / RAM = 0.025 mol

RAM = 1.5g / 0.025 mol = 60 g/mol

Therefore, the relative atomic mass of metal L is 60 g/mol.