Describe at least two ways the U.S. 's involvement in WWI promoted nationalism in the untry.

One way the U.S.'s involvement in WWI promoted nationalism in the country was through patriotic propaganda and rhetoric. The government actively used propaganda to rally support for the war effort and to build a sense of nationalism among the American population. Posters, films, and advertisements depicted heroic American soldiers fighting for freedom and democracy, portraying the war as a noble cause. This created a sense of intense nationalism and pride among the citizens, as they believed they were part of a just and righteous mission.

Another way the U.S.'s involvement in WWI promoted nationalism was through the selective service draft system. The draft required all eligible men to register for military service, and it reflected the idea of a duty towards the nation. This sense of duty fostered a strong sense of nationalism among young men as they felt obligated to serve their country in the time of crisis. The draft not only united Americans behind a common cause but also brought together individuals from different backgrounds and parts of the country, fostering a sense of national unity and shared purpose.