A contractor finds that 9 gallons of paint will cover 1125 square feet of wall area how much wall area could be covered with 18 gallons of paint

We can set up a proportion to find the wall area that could be covered with 18 gallons of paint.

9 gallons of paint covers 1125 square feet of wall area.
Let "x" be the wall area that could be covered with 18 gallons of paint.

Using the proportion: 9 gallons / 1125 sq ft = 18 gallons / x.

Cross-multiplying, we get: 9x = 18 * 1125.

Simplifying the right side of the equation: 9x = 20250.

Dividing both sides by 9, we find: x = 2250.

Therefore, 18 gallons of paint could cover 2250 square feet of wall area.