1. List three ways the Populist Party proposed to expand the powers of the government in the United States.

1. The Populist Party proposed to expand the powers of the government in the United States through the implementation of progressive income tax. They advocated for a graduated income tax that would tax the wealthy individuals and corporations at a higher rate. This was seen as a way to redistribute wealth and address income inequality.

2. The Populist Party also campaigned for the government to regulate and control the banking and railroad industries. They believed that the private control of these industries led to corruption, unfair practices, and exploitation of the working class. By expanding government powers, they aimed to ensure fair and equitable treatment for all individuals and prevent monopolistic practices.

3. Additionally, the Populist Party proposed the establishment of a federally controlled system of currency and credit. They believed that a centralized banking system, under the control of the government, would provide stability to the economy and prevent the exploitation of farmers and workers by private banks. This was seen as a way to protect the interests of the common people and ensure economic justice.