What is the difference between the two insert modes in libreoffice writer

In LibreOffice Writer, there are two insert modes: Overwrite mode and Insert mode.

1. Overwrite mode: In this mode, when you start typing or insert new text at the cursor position, the existing text is overwritten. It means that when you type something, the previous characters are replaced by the new characters. This mode is useful when you want to edit or replace existing text without deleting it manually.

2. Insert mode: This is the default mode in LibreOffice Writer. When you start typing or insert new text, it is inserted at the cursor position without overwriting the existing text. The text to the right of the cursor is moved automatically to make room for the new text. It means that the existing content is shifted to the right to accommodate the new content. This mode is commonly used for general text input.

Overall, the main difference between the two insert modes is that Overwrite mode replaces the existing text, while Insert mode shifts the existing text to accommodate the new text.