Why do Hindus worship many different gods while believing that there is one supreme being?

and make it sound like a 5th grader w one metaphor

Just like having many superheroes in a comic book, Hindus believe in different gods and goddesses but also believe in one main superhero called the supreme being. It's kind of like having many different flavors of ice cream but still knowing that vanilla is the ultimate favorite. The different gods and goddesses in Hinduism represent different aspects of life and have their own special powers. Worshipping them helps Hindus connect with different parts of the world and ask for their blessings. But ultimately, all these gods and goddesses lead back to the one supreme being who is like the biggest superhero of all.

okay nvm make it short w no metaphors and make it sound like a 5th grader

Hindus worship many different gods because they believe each god represents different things in life, like power or wisdom. But they also believe in one main god that is in charge of everything. Worshipping different gods helps Hindus connect with different parts of the world and ask for their blessings, but the main god is the most important one.