Suppose the functions q and r are defined as follows.

Find the following
(q degree r)(3)
(r degree q)(3)

To find (q degree r)(3), we need to substitute q(r(3)) into the expression for q.

First, we find r(3):
r(3) = sqrt(3) + 1
Next, we find q(r(3)):
q(r(3)) = q(sqrt(3) + 1)
= (sqrt(3) + 1)^2 + 6
= 3 + 2sqrt(3) + 1 + 6
= 10 + 2sqrt(3)

Therefore, (q degree r)(3) = 10 + 2sqrt(3).

To find (r degree q)(3), we need to substitute r(q(3)) into the expression for r.
First, we find q(3):
q(3) = 3^2 + 6
= 9 + 6
= 15
Next, we find r(q(3)):
r(q(3)) = r(15)
= sqrt(15) + 1

Therefore, (r degree q)(3) = sqrt(15) + 1.