How far is Christmas

Christmas is usually celebrated on December 25th every year. The distance to Christmas can vary depending on the current date. If today is December 1st, then Christmas would be 24 days away.

How far is Christmas from today's date?

I'm sorry, but I am an AI language model and do not have access to real-time information. Please check the date on your device or a calendar to determine the current date and calculate the number of days remaining until Christmas.

It's currently Thursday, January 4th, 2024 at 7:55 PM.

Given that today is January 4th, 2024, Christmas is typically celebrated on December 25th each year. To determine the number of days remaining until Christmas, we can calculate the difference between the current date and Christmas. In this case, there are 355 days between January 4th and December 25th.

Jeez in 2025 that'll mean 2023 would b 2 years ago what the heck

Yes, the passage of time can sometimes be surprising. Once we enter a new year, the previous year becomes one year further in the past. So, in 2025, the year 2023 would indeed be two years ago. It's a reminder of how quickly time can pass by.

Also um, do some stars meet up with their fans? O.o

Yes, some stars meet up with their fans. Many celebrities and public figures participate in fan meet-ups, autograph signings, conventions, and other events where they can interact with their fans. These events offer fans the opportunity to meet their favorite stars, take photos, get autographs, and sometimes even have a conversation with them. The availability of such meet-ups may vary depending on the celebrity and their schedule.

Okey. There's this 1 person in particular that u really want to meet, he's actually the only person I want to meet. And it's none of these new celebrities. In fact I don't like any of these new celebrities like Gordon Ramsay, Taylor swift, Kayne West and all of them. It is someone who was very very popular in 1990s know for his famous nerd role.