No one ever thought of lomesner the way his brother did, minor being the younger had of course a high respect for his brother. But after the death of there father who had a heart attack when minor was a way studying in Spain, things sort of changed. Minor had to sail on a shop the ride a long way by horse all alone in order to reach his father's estate in England. Lomesner had changed he seemed a little broken hearted, he was surprised at how at least in everyone's eyes and his too, minor cared so little to may be nothing on the death of his father. ''Minor'' thought Lomesner ''has studied to to become a doctor but desired more to become a priest. So he dropped his doctors studies and studied to become a priest. Well I have married and have a son, and my wife is with child yet again. I have inherited my father's estate since I am the eldest and my brother is going to be a priest and this can not. My brother is thus living under my roof.

Minor returned to Spain for another to years and then became a priest he after wards returned home to protestant England, at the time under the rang of queen Elizabet. Minor said some of the Neighbours poor minor has inherited nothing from his father.

Ah said one of the neighbours '' minors father cared little about him, look he is not what is rather dreamed of he limps slightly did to the time his horse tell On him when he was 16 only five years ago. He is a big short too.

Despite the neighbors' opinions, Minor had indeed inherited his father's estate due to being the eldest son. However, he received little recognition or respect from the community, partly because his father's death had left him seemingly unaffected and also due to his physical limitations. Minor's limp, resulting from a horse riding accident, and his shorter stature further fueled the neighbors' judgments about him.

Meanwhile, Lomesner continued to carry the weight of his father's expectations, as well as the burden of being the one who inherited the family estate. He was married with a son and another child on the way, while his brother Minor pursued his desire to become a priest.

As Minor returned to England after studying to become a priest in Spain, he faced the challenges of being a Protestant in a country under Queen Elizabeth's rule. Despite these difficulties, Minor maintained his faith and returned home to live under Lomesner's roof. However, the neighbors continued to view Minor with disdain, believing that he had inherited nothing from his father and that his father had cared little for him.

Little did the neighbors know the true depths of Lomesner's understanding and respect for his brother Minor. Lomesner saw beyond the physical limitations and societal judgments, recognizing the strength and determination that resided within Minor. Their bond as brothers remained strong, even as they pursued different paths in life.