No one ever thought of lomesner the way his brother did, minor being the younger had of course a high respect for his brother. But after the death of there father who had a heart attack when minor was a way studying in Spain, things sort of changed. Minor had to sail on a shop the ride a long way by horse all alone in order to reach his father's estate in England. Lomesner had changed he seemed a little broken hearted, he was surprised at how at least in everyone's eyes and his too, minor cared so little to may be nothing on the death of his father. ''Minor'' thought Lomesner ''has studied to to become a doctor but desired more to become a priest. So he dropped his doctors studies and studied to become a priest. Well I have married and have a son, and my wife is with child yet again. I have inherited my father's estate since I am the eldest and my brother is going to be a priest and this can not. My brother is thus living under my roof.

Minor returned to Spain for another to years and then became a priest he after wards returned home to protestant England, at the time under the rang of queen Elizabeth

I. One day, Lomesner and Minor were sitting together in the study of their father's estate. It had been a few years since their father's death, and Lomesner couldn't help but feel a sense of resentment towards his brother. Minor had always been the favored one, the one with grand ambitions and dreams. Lomesner, on the other hand, was content with a simple life, and had never desired anything more than what he already had.

II. As they sat in silence, Lomesner finally spoke up. "Minor, do you ever think about our father? About the life we had before he passed away?" he asked tentatively.

Minor looked up from his book, his eyes filled with a distant sadness. "Of course, Lomesner. I think about him every day. But you must understand, we all cope with grief in different ways."

Lomesner couldn't help but feel a wave of frustration. "But it's as if you don't care at all! You left to study in Spain while he was dying, and when you returned, you seemed so...changed."

Minor sighed and put his book down. "Lomesner, you have to understand that becoming a priest was something I felt called to do. I couldn't ignore that calling, even in the face of our father's death." He paused for a moment, his eyes searching Lomesner's face. "But I do care about our father, and I mourn his loss in my own way."

III. Lomesner stared at his brother, torn between anger and understanding. "But what about me? What about my dreams and ambitions? I'm the eldest son, I should have inherited the estate and carried on our family's legacy."

Minor reached out and placed a comforting hand on Lomesner's shoulder. "Lomesner, I know this must be difficult for you. But life doesn't always turn out the way we expect. Sometimes, we have to let go of our own plans and embrace what we were truly meant to do."

Lomesner looked into his brother's eyes and saw a profound sense of peace and conviction. He realized that Minor had found his true purpose as a priest, and it was not his place to stand in the way of that calling.

IV. Over time, Lomesner learned to accept his brother's decision and even appreciate the unique perspective he brought to their family. He came to see that Minor's path as a priest was not a rejection of their father's legacy, but rather a continuation of it in a different form.

As the years went by, Lomesner supported his brother in his religious endeavors and saw the positive impact Minor had on their community. And in return, Minor never failed to offer guidance and solace to Lomesner, especially during times of hardship.

V. Together, they navigated the challenges of their contrasting paths - one as a priest, the other as the head of their father's estate. They learned to lean on each other for support, finding strength in their bond as brothers.

And in the end, they both found fulfillment and purpose in their chosen paths. Lomesner discovered the joys of family life and the responsibilities of leadership, while Minor found solace in his devotion to God and the spiritual guidance he provided to others.

In their own unique ways, they honored their father's memory and carried on his legacy, each leaving their own indelible mark on the world. And through it all, their brotherly love remained unwavering, a constant source of strength and support.