No one ever thought of lomesner the way his brother did, minor being the younger had of course a high respect for his brother. But after the death of there father who had a heart attack when minor was a way studying in Spain, things sort of changed. Minor had to sail on a shop the ride a long way by horse all alone in order to reach his father's estate in England. Lomesner had changed he seemed a little broken hearted, he was surprised at how at least in everyone's eyes and his too, minor cared so little to may be nothing on the death of his father. ''Minor'' thought Lomesner ''has studied to to become a doctor but desired more to become a priest. So he dropped his doctors studies and studied to become a priest. Well I have married and have a son, and my wife is with child yet again. I have inherited my father's estate since I am the eldest and my brother is going to be a priest and this can not. My brother is this leaving under my roof.

Minor's heart sank as he witnessed the strain between him and his brother. He had always admired Lomesner and looked up to him, but now it seemed their paths were diverging. Lomesner's resentment towards Minor's lack of emotion over their father's death only served to widen the rift between them.

As Minor settled into the estate, he couldn't help but feel the weight of his father's absence. The responsibility of managing the property and its affairs fell solely on his shoulders now. Each decision he made was met with scrutiny from Lomesner, who seemed to resent Minor's newfound role as the head of the family.

Minor, on the other hand, couldn't understand Lomesner's sudden devotion to the church. The brother he once knew was ambitious and full of dreams, but now he seemed content to dedicate his life to serving God. Minor questioned whether Lomesner's choice was driven by true passion or simply a desire to escape the burdens of their family and find solace in religion.

Days turned into weeks, and the animosity between the brothers only grew. The tension in the house was palpable, and Minor longed for the days when they would playfully tease each other and share in laughter. Now their conversations were laced with resentment and unspoken disappointments.

One evening, as the sun set over the estate, Minor decided it was time to confront his brother. They sat in the study, the room filled with the weight of their unspoken grievances.

"Lomesner, I can't help but feel that you resent me," Minor began, his voice tinged with sadness. "I know I may not have shown much grief over father's death, but that doesn't mean I don't care. We all mourn in different ways."

Lomesner sighed and looked down at his hands. "It's not just about father's death, Minor. It's about everything. The way you seem so unaffected by the burdens of this estate, the way you dropped your dreams of becoming a doctor. It feels like you've abandoned me too."

Minor reached out and placed a hand on Lomesner's shoulder. "I'm sorry if it seems that way, brother. The truth is, I've shouldered the responsibility of this estate because it's what I had to do. But that doesn't mean I don't miss my dreams, or that I don't long for a different life. It's just that life had different plans for me, just as it did for you."

Lomesner looked up, his eyes filled with a mix of understanding and longing. "I just wish things could have been different, Minor. We were once so close, and now it feels like we're strangers living under the same roof."

Minor nodded, his own heart heavy with regret. "I feel it too, Lomesner. But maybe it's not too late to bridge the gap. We can find a way to understand each other, to support each other's dreams. I don't want us to be strangers, not when we've been through so much together."

A glimmer of hope flickered in Lomesner's eyes as he looked at his brother. "Perhaps you're right, Minor. Perhaps it's time we learned to accept each other for who we are, and find a way to rebuild what we've lost."

And so, the two brothers made a pact that evening. They would work towards understanding and acceptance, cherishing the bond they once shared. It would be a long journey, filled with challenges and setbacks, but the love between them would survive. For the blood that ran through their veins tethered them together, and no matter what paths they chose, they would always be brothers.