What is the sum of the fractions? 12/31 + 13/31

The sum of the fractions 12/31 and 13/31 is (12 + 13)/31 = 25/31.

What is the sum of the fractions in simplest form? 9/20 + 7/20

The sum of the fractions 9/20 and 7/20 is (9 + 7)/20 = 16/20.

To simplify the fraction, we can divide both the numerator and the denominator by their greatest common divisor, which in this case is 4.

Dividing 16 by 4 and 20 by 4, we get 4/5.

So, the sum of the fractions 9/20 and 7/20 in simplest form is 4/5.

What is the missing denominator in the addition sentence? 15/28 + 9/?

To find the missing denominator in the addition sentence, we need to find a common denominator for the fractions 15/28 and 9/?.

A common denominator is a number that both denominators can divide evenly into.

One way to find a common denominator is to multiply the two denominators together.

So, the missing denominator in the addition sentence is 28.

Which of the following numbers can replace the missing numerator to make the addition sentence true? 32/57 + ?/57 = 54/57

To find the missing numerator in the addition sentence, we need to subtract the numerator of the first fraction from the numerator of the sum.

So, 54/57 - 32/57 = (54 - 32)/57 = 22/57.

Therefore, the missing numerator that can replace the question mark to make the addition sentence true is 22.

Sarina is mixing paint. If she adds 1/4 gallon blue, 1/4 gallon red, and 1/4 gallon white, how much total paint does she have?

To find the total amount of paint, we need to add the fractions representing the amount of each color.

1/4 gallon blue + 1/4 gallon red + 1/4 gallon white = (1/4 + 1/4 + 1/4) gallon
= 3/4 gallon

So, Sarina has a total of 3/4 gallon of paint.

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