Harper knows he is 50 yards from school. The map on his phone shows that the school is 3/4 inch from his current location.

How far is Harper from home, if the map shows the distance as 3 inches? Enter your answer in the box.

Since the map on Harper's phone shows that the distance from his current location to the school is 3/4 inch and he knows he is 50 yards away from the school, we can set up a proportion to find out how many inches represent 50 yards.

Let's call x the number of inches that represent 50 yards.
According to the proportion, we have:
50 yards / 3/4 inch = x inches
To solve for x, we need to convert 50 yards to inches.
Since 1 yard is equal to 36 inches (1 yard = 36 inches), we can multiply 50 yards by 36 inches/yard to convert yards to inches:
50 yards * 36 inches/yard = 1800 inches.
Now, plug in the value for inches into the proportion:
1800 inches / 3/4 inch = x inches
To solve this, we multiply 1800 inches by 4/3 inch/inch, which cancels out the inches units:
1800 inches * 4/3 inch/inch = 2400 inches
Therefore, Harper is 2400 inches away from home if the map shows the distance as 3 inches.