Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare Juliet.

What's in a name? That which we call a rose By any other word would smell as sweet. So Romeo would, were he not Romeo called, Retain that dear perfection which he owes Without that title.

From Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare Question Use the passage to answer the question. In one or two sentences, describe the meaning of this analogy.

The analogy in this passage is that the name "Romeo" is not important, as it does not change the qualities and perfection that Romeo possesses.

The program below asks the user to enter how many lives they have left in a game. Your code should respond to the user's input as follows.

First, always display the message "You have X lives left." where X is the numLives value entered by the user.
Then, using if / elif / else logic:
If the number of lives is greater than or equal to 3, display the message "You should keep playing." Use the greater-than-or-equal-to (>=) operator.
Else if the number of lives is greater than 0, display the message "You should be careful". Use the greater-than (>) operator.
Else display the message "Game over".
After the first output line, your program will only display one of the middle three lines, based on the value of the livesNum variable.

The following examples demonstrate the expected program output.

How many lives do you have left in the game? 5
You have 5 lives left.
You should keep playing.
How many lives do you have left in the game? 0
You have 0 lives left.
Game over.
How many lives do you have left in the game? 2
You have 2 lives left.
You should be careful.

Here is a possible solution in Python:

numLives = int(input("How many lives do you have left in the game? "))
print("You have", numLives, "lives left.")

if numLives >= 3:
print("You should keep playing.")
elif numLives > 0:
print("You should be careful.")
print("Game over.")

This code asks the user to enter the number of lives they have left in the game, then displays the corresponding message based on the value entered. The `if/elif/else` logic is used to determine which message to display.