The temperature outside is below freezing, the winds are howling, and you can barely see the tree in your front yard. A large amount of snow has been falling for more than three hours—a blizzard is underway.

According to the National Weather Service, blizzards are snowstorms with winds higher than 35 miles an hour and visibility (meaning, how far you can see) of less than a quarter mile. Winds from a blizzard can travel over 120 miles an hour—that’s faster than a cheetah, the world’s fastest land animal.

These conditions can be dangerous—low visibility can cause drivers to crash on roads, and high winds can topple power lines, which means some homes will be without heat. Large amounts of snowfall can trap people inside their homes. And those stuck outside in freezing temperatures can face frostbite or hypothermia, a condition in which your body temperature becomes dangerously low. (National Geographic Kids)

Which of the following is a central idea of this excerpt?

The central idea of this excerpt is that blizzards are dangerous weather conditions that can result in problems such as accidents on roads, power outages, trapped individuals, and the risk of frostbite or hypothermia.

A cheetah is the fastest land animal in the world.

A cheetah is the fastest land animal in the world. - incorrect

A blizzard's snowfall and wind can cause hazardous driving conditions and other dangers.
A blizzard's snowfall and wind can cause hazardous driving conditions and other dangers. - not selected, this is the correct answer

Blizzards are caused by low temperatures and heavy snowfall.

Blizzards are caused by low temperatures and heavy snowfall. - not selected