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How do you get a video recording of yourself on to powerpoint?


To get a video recording of yourself into PowerPoint, there are a few steps you can follow:

1. Prepare the video recording: First, you'll need to record yourself either using a webcam, smartphone, or any other recording device. Make sure to save the video in a format supported by PowerPoint, such as MP4, WMV, or AVI.

2. Open PowerPoint: Launch PowerPoint and open the presentation where you want to insert the video.

3. Insert the video: From the top menu, select the "Insert" tab, then click on the "Video" option. In the dropdown menu, choose either "Video on My PC" or "Online Video" depending on where your video is located.

4. Locate the video file: If you select "Video on My PC," a file explorer window will open. Locate and select the video file you want to insert, then click on Insert.

5. Adjust the video: Once inserted, you can resize and reposition the video on the slide to your liking. You can also adjust playback options, such as selecting whether the video should play automatically or on click.

6. Test the video: Play the slideshow to ensure the video plays properly. You can do this by pressing F5 on your keyboard or selecting the "From Beginning" or "From Current Slide" option from the Slide Show menu.

Remember to have the video file saved in the same location as your PowerPoint presentation if you plan to move or share the file with others to avoid broken links.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.

Yeah but I have to take the video with my computer and put it on the slides to submit.

Also can you explain that a little more easy to understand please?

Certainly! Here are simplified steps to get a video recording of yourself onto PowerPoint:

1. Prepare the video: Use your computer's webcam or a recording software to record yourself.

2. Save the video: After recording, save the video file on your computer with a format supported by PowerPoint, like MP4, WMV, or AVI.

3. Open PowerPoint: Open the PowerPoint presentation where you want to insert the video.

4. Insert the video: Click on the "Insert" tab at the top of PowerPoint, then choose "Video" and "Video on My PC".

5. Locate the video file: A window will appear, allowing you to browse your computer for the video file you saved. Find and select the video file, then click on the "Insert" button.

6. Adjust the video: Resize and move the video on the slide as desired.

7. Test the video: Play the slideshow (press F5 or select "From Beginning" or "From Current Slide" in the Slide Show menu) to make sure the video plays correctly.

Remember, when you submit your PowerPoint presentation, ensure that the video file is included along with the presentation file, so the video plays properly on other computers.

I hope these simplified steps are easier to understand! Let me know if you have any more questions.

Can't I just use the record button on powerpoint?

Apologies for the confusion in my previous responses. Yes, you can indeed use the record button in PowerPoint to capture a video of yourself directly within the software. Here's how you can do it:

1. Open PowerPoint: Launch PowerPoint and open the presentation where you want to include the video recording.

2. Go to the Slide: Navigate to the specific slide where you want to insert the video recording.

3. Select the Slide: Click on the slide to ensure it's selected (indicated by a bold border surrounding the slide).

4. Insert the Recording: Go to the top menu, select the "Insert" tab, and click on the "Screen Recording" button in the Media group.

5. Recording Controls: After selecting "Screen Recording," a small toolbar will appear on your screen. From there, you can select audio options (including recording your voice) and choose to record the entire screen or just a specific area.

6. Start Recording: Click on the "Record" button on the toolbar to begin recording your video.

7. Stop Recording: Once you've finished recording, press the "Stop" button on the toolbar.

8. Place the Recording on Slide: After stopping the recording, you'll be prompted to determine where you want to place it on the slide. Click and drag on the slide to position and resize the recording as needed.

9. Test the Recording: Preview the slideshow to ensure the video recording plays correctly.

Please note that the steps above will record your screen, including audio (if selected), rather than just your face. If you specifically want to record yourself through the webcam, it may be easier to use external recording software and insert the video using the steps mentioned in the earlier responses.

I apologize for any confusion caused and hope this clarifies the process. Don't hesitate to let me know if you have any further questions!

One more thing.

So if I take the video in powerpoint, do I have to export it?
If I do, how?
If not, then what do I do?

If you record a video directly within PowerPoint using the screen recording feature, you won't need to export it separately. The recorded video will be saved within your PowerPoint presentation file itself. Here's what you'll need to do once you've recorded the video:

1. Save the PowerPoint Presentation: After completing the recording, save your PowerPoint presentation file. Click on the "File" tab in the top menu, then select "Save" or "Save As" to save your presentation.

2. Test the Video Recording: You can play the slideshow within PowerPoint to ensure the recorded video plays correctly. Press F5 on your keyboard or select "From Beginning" or "From Current Slide" in the Slide Show menu to test it.

3. Sharing or Submitting the Presentation: If you need to share or submit the PowerPoint presentation, make sure to include the entire presentation file (.pptx) along with the recorded video that you captured. The video recording remains embedded in the presentation file itself, so there's no need to export it separately.

By sharing or submitting the PowerPoint presentation file, others will be able to view the recorded video within the presentation when they open it on their computers. Just ensure that the recipient has the necessary software (PowerPoint) to play the presentation with the embedded video.

I hope this clarifies the process for you! Let me know if there's anything else I can assist you with.