In which number is the digit 8 ten times larger than it is in the number 18?

A 108108
B 387387
C 801801
D 1,840

In order to find the number in which the digit 8 is ten times larger than it is in the number 18, we need to compare the positions of the digit 8 in both numbers.

In the number 18, the digit 8 is in the ones place.

We need to find a number where the digit 8 is in the tens place, making it ten times larger than it is in 18.

Looking at the given options:

A) 108108 - The digit 8 is in the thousands place, not the tens place.

B) 387387 - The digit 8 is in the hundreds place, not the tens place.

C) 801801 - The digit 8 is in the tens place! This satisfies the condition.

D) 1,840 - The digit 8 is in the ones place, not the tens place.

Therefore, the answer is C) 801801.