Shaun is 4 years older than her sister Charmaine. If the sum of their ages is 16 how old is Charmaine? Responses A 4 years old4 years old B 6 years old6 years old C 8 years old8 years old D 10 years old

Let C be the age of Charmaine.

Shaun is 4 years older than Charmaine, so Shaun's age is C + 4.
The sum of their ages is Charmaine's age plus Shaun's age, so C + (C + 4) = 16.
Combining like terms, we get 2C + 4 = 16.
Subtracting 4 from both sides, we get 2C = 12.
Dividing both sides by 2, we get C = 6.
Therefore, Charmaine is 6 years old.
So the answer is B) 6 years old.