Mexican American war justify interests

The Mexican-American War of 1846-1848 was primarily driven by the interests of the United States, and there were several justifications put forth to support their involvement in the war.

1. Westward Expansion: One of the main motivations for the United States was the idea of manifest destiny, the belief that it was their destiny to expand their territory from the Atlantic to the Pacific. The acquisition of Mexican lands would further this goal and provide new opportunities for American settlers.

2. Border Dispute: The United States and Mexico had long disputed the border between their territories. The Texas annexation by the United States in 1845 had escalated tensions, as Mexico considered Texas to be a rebellious territory. The war was seen by some as a means to resolve this dispute and establish a clear border.

3. Economic Interests: Mexico was seen as a potential economic asset, with its valuable resources and strategic location. The United States was interested in gaining access to Mexican ports, such as Veracruz, to facilitate trade with Asia and expand its economic influence in the region.

4. National Security: Some argued that the war was necessary for the national security of the United States. They claimed that Mexico's instability and the potential influence of European powers in the region posed a threat to American interests and needed to be addressed.

5. Protecting American citizens: The United States claimed that Mexican authorities had not adequately protected American citizens' lives and property within Mexican territory. President James K. Polk used this as a justification for military intervention, arguing that it was necessary to ensure the safety and welfare of American citizens.

However, it is important to note that these justifications were predominantly from the perspective of the United States, and they were not universally agreed upon. Many critics, both within and outside of the United States, denounced the war as an unjust aggression and an attempt to expand slave territories. The war remains a contentious topic and has had lasting consequences for both countries.