When holding a business meeting, the best way to keep the meeting on track is to:


use a checklist.

write an agenda.

prepare ahead of time.

establish a routine.

All of the responses listed can help in keeping a business meeting on track. However, the best way to ensure a productive and focused meeting is to write an agenda and prepare ahead of time. Having a well-planned agenda helps to set clear objectives, allocate time for each agenda item, and keep everyone aligned and on track during the meeting. Additionally, preparing ahead of time allows the meeting organizer to anticipate any potential challenges or issues that may arise and to find appropriate solutions in advance.

can you pick one plz

If I have to pick one, writing an agenda would be the best way to keep a business meeting on track. Having a clear and detailed agenda sets the structure for the meeting, helps participants stay focused on the topics at hand, and ensures that all necessary items are covered within the allocated time.