Maria host a radio show. She must play 14 commercials during her one-hour radio show. Each commercial is either one-half minute or one minute long. If the total commercial time during that hour Is 10 minutes. Give two equations based on this. And how.

Let's assume that the number of one-half minute commercials that Maria plays is x, and the number of one minute commercials is y.

Based on this information, we can create two equations:

1. The total number of commercials: x + y = 14
Since Maria must play a total of 14 commercials, the number of one-half minute commercials (x) plus the number of one minute commercials (y) must equal 14.

2. The total commercial time: 0.5x + y = 10
Since each one-half minute commercial takes away 0.5 minutes, the total time taken by one-half minute commercials (0.5x) plus the total time taken by one minute commercials (y) must equal 10 minutes.

To find the solution to these equations, you can solve them simultaneously using a method such as substitution, elimination, or graphing.