Question #6

A can Fancy Fiesta tuna is on sale for $3.15 a canYou have a coupon for 60.75 off your total purchase.

Part A) Which is the correct function for the first of n cans?

C(n) = 3.15 - 0.75n

C(n) = 3.15n + 0.75

C(n) = 3.15 + 0.75n

C(n) = 3.8n - 0.75

C(n) = 3.15n - 0.75

C(n) = 3.8 - 0.75n

The correct function for the first of n cans is:

C(n) = 3.15 - 0.75n

How much would 17 cans cost

To calculate the cost of 17 cans, you need to substitute n = 17 into the function C(n) = 3.15 - 0.75n:

C(17) = 3.15 - 0.75(17)

C(17) = 3.15 - 12.75

C(17) = -9.6

So, the cost of 17 cans would be $9.60.