how to ask whether a place is affected with climate change or not

To ask whether a place is affected by climate change or not, you can use the following phrases:

1. Is this place experiencing any effects of climate change?
2. How has climate change impacted this area?
3. Have you noticed any changes in weather patterns or environmental conditions due to climate change?
4. Are there any observable signs of climate change in this location?
5. Can you provide information on the specific impacts of climate change in this place?
6. Are there any reports or studies available on the effects of climate change in this area?
7. Has there been an increase in extreme weather events or natural disasters in this place due to climate change?
8. Is there any evidence or data indicating that this place is affected by climate change?
9. Can you share any firsthand experiences or observations related to climate change in this region?
10. How are local ecosystems and species being impacted by climate change in this area?

Remember to ask these questions to experts or individuals familiar with the specific location you are referring to in order to obtain accurate information.