Write 3 sentences each isi g a comma in a different way. Explain why the comma is needed in each sentence

1. Aisha, my best friend, is coming over for dinner tonight.

- The comma is needed here to set off the appositive phrase "my best friend" after the name "Aisha". It provides additional information about Aisha, but it is not essential to the sentence's meaning.

2. I want to go for a run, eat a healthy breakfast, and then start my work.
- The comma is needed here to separate the items in a series (run, eat breakfast, start work). It helps clarify the sequence of actions the speaker intends to undertake.

3. The concert ended, and the crowd erupted into applause.
- The comma is needed here to separate the two independent clauses ("The concert ended" and "the crowd erupted into applause") joined by the coordinating conjunction "and". It indicates the pause and separation between these two related but distinct ideas.