What are the most common types of bibliography references in academic writing? Give examples

The most common types of bibliography references in academic writing include the following:

1. Books:
- AuthorLastName, AuthorFirstName. (Year). Book Title. Publisher.

2. Journal articles:
- AuthorLastName, AuthorFirstName. (Year). Article Title. Journal Title, Volume(Issue), Page numbers.

3. Conference papers:
- AuthorLastName, AuthorFirstName. (Year). Paper Title. In Proceedings of Conference Name, Page numbers.

4. Web sources:
- AuthorLastName, AuthorFirstName. (Year or Last update). Title of Web Page or Article. Website Name or Publisher. URL.

5. Thesis or dissertations:
- AuthorLastName, AuthorFirstName. (Year). Title. Thesis or Dissertation. University Name.

Note: These examples use the APA (American Psychological Association) citation style. It's important to note that citation styles vary among different academic disciplines and institutions, so always consult your professor or department guidelines to ensure you are using the appropriate format.