what do judicial and Legislative have in common that executive doesnt have

Both the judicial and legislative branches of government are involved in the making and interpretation of laws, while the executive branch is primarily responsible for executing and enforcing laws.

Specifically, both the judicial and legislative branches have the power of review and oversight over the executive branch. The legislative branch, composed of the Congress, has the authority to pass laws, which the executive branch then carries out. Additionally, the legislative branch plays a role in oversight, investigating and holding hearings on executive branch actions. Similarly, the judicial branch has the power of judicial review to interpret laws and ensure their constitutionality, including evaluating the actions of the executive branch.

In contrast, the executive branch is primarily responsible for implementing and enforcing laws rather than making or interpreting them. Its main function is to carry out the policies and directives set by the legislative and judicial branches, as well as to administer and manage the day-to-day operations of the government.