what are some pros of tele work in the context of urbanization? Give full sentence answers

1. Telework minimizes commuting needs and eases traffic congestion in urban areas.

2. Telework reduces the demand for office space and helps optimize land use in densely populated cities.
3. Telework offers flexibility, allowing individuals to reside outside expensive urban areas while still being employed in city-based jobs.
4. Telework supports a more balanced distribution of economic activity, potentially curbing overpopulation and pressures on urban infrastructure.
5. Telework promotes environmental sustainability by reducing carbon emissions associated with daily commuting in densely populated cities.

What are some cons of tele work in the context of urbanization? Answer is full sentences

1. Telework can lead to social isolation and a lack of face-to-face interaction, which may negatively impact the social fabric of urban communities.

2. Telework may reduce foot traffic in urban centers, affecting local businesses and retail activity.
3. Limited access to reliable internet infrastructure, especially in certain urban areas, may hinder the implementation and effectiveness of telework.
4. Telework may exacerbate existing socio-economic inequalities, as those with better resources and technology tend to benefit more from remote work opportunities.
5. The blurring of work-life boundaries that telework can cause may lead to increased work-related stress and burnout among employees in urban settings.