How did Asoka's rule lead to a prosperous India?

(1 point)
• He conquered nearby Greek-controlled kingdoms and absorbed their wealth.
• He developed an effective tax system.
• He built excellent roads that promoted trade.
• He encouraged tolerance.

All of the given options contributed to the prosperity of India during Asoka's rule.

How did Asoka's rule lead to a prosperous India?

• He conquered nearby Greek-controlled kingdoms and absorbed their wealth.
• He developed an effective tax system.
• He built excellent roads that promoted trade.
• He encouraged tolerance.

Asoka's rule led to a prosperous India through the following means:

1. Conquering nearby Greek-controlled kingdoms and absorbing their wealth: Asoka's military victories expanded the territory and resources of the Mauryan Empire, thereby increasing its wealth and prosperity.

2. Developing an effective tax system: Asoka implemented a fair and efficient taxation system that ensured a steady flow of revenue to the state. This allowed for the funding of infrastructure development, social welfare programs, and economic growth.

3. Building excellent roads that promoted trade: Asoka's administration invested in the construction of a vast network of roads throughout the empire. These well-maintained roads facilitated the transportation of goods and enabled efficient trade, fostering economic prosperity and interregional connectivity.

4. Encouraging tolerance: Asoka embraced the principles of religious tolerance and non-violence, promoting peaceful coexistence and harmony among different religious and ethnic groups. This policy of tolerance attracted merchants, scholars, and traders from other regions, stimulating cultural and economic exchanges, and ultimately contributing to India's prosperity.

By combining territorial expansion, efficient governance, infrastructure development, and promoting social harmony, Asoka's rule played a significant role in the prosperity of India during the Mauryan Empire.